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26/9 2016 - Time to remember

Time to remember

Time to remember
Hej smukke dig ;)
Jeg er stadig på spændende online maleworkshop med the divine feminine.
Og det er fantastisk!!!
Derfor har jeg også super meget lyst til igen, at dele med dig.
Dette er mit seneste maleri med titlen "Time to remember"
maleriet er fyldt med healing, og ordene dertil er:
Her presence is ever lasting
she has been her forever
breathing in and out
the source of the universe

the magic of the sun
is part of her bright essence of the warmth
and the major energy
that is a huge part of who she is

Her key mission
is to protect the forests
the spirit of the trees
and the spirits of every divine creation
that lives with in the forest
whether on the ground
in the air
or in the very trees

She also brings memory
to all mankind
memory of what once was
memories of lives lived in divine cohesion
man and nature together
a time where harmony ruled
a time where mutual respect and love
was the language of the heart

a time where man and nature spirits
where communicating purely and devotedly
with each other

She brings fort these memories
as a sparkling call for our hearts
to listen
to wake up
to be aware
to be responsible

mother earth gives her
powerful grounding
the grounding she needs
for her sun spirit to be here so strongly

and she is

with the grounding and love from mother earth
and the energy of the sun
mother of her spirit
melting together as one

very strongly here
devoted to her mission

in her brightness
able to cover every forest
every tree
and all creations within
on the entire planet

I hear her call
and my heart answers
I will wake up

We are all one
time to remember

Jeg ønsker dig den smukkeste dag <3
og husk du har altid mulighed for at besøge englegalleriet efter aftale,
så skriv eller ring, og vi finder en tid ;)




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Arielle Javanna Nielsen | Vimtrupvej 3, 6630 Rødding  | Tlf.: 60490675